Reported in the Pembrokeshire and General Herald Advertiser
22nd February 1901
On Saturday, the 16th inst., was launched the pleasure boat, "The Beacon Star." This boat has a somewhat curious history.
It seems that three boys, viz Alfred Rees, Evan Davies, and Richard Coomber, instead of idling their time in the evenings, resolved to build this boat. This they have done most creditably. A large number of villagers preceded by Messrs J. Rees, (black- smith) W. John, and W. Nicholas, accompanied the boat from the village to the launching slip.
Passing by Bramble, Mr Cattanach joined them and, as they were three good boys at school, he entered heartily into the proceedings. The boat took the water beautifully, and first to have a row were Messrs Cattanach, the three youthful constructors, and Mr J. Rees. Afterwards others enjoyed a cruise.
Mr Reynolds, of Westfield Mill, gave his valuable assistance and has promised to look after the boat. We understand the boat is available for anyone belonging to the Parish. Anyone else interfering with it will be prosecuted.