The following is taken from the Evening Express newspaper of 2nd June 1896. It contains a testimonial from a Rosemarket resident named Mr Lloyd. Interestingly, a Mr Joseph Lloyd is listed in the 1901 Census as living on The Beacon in Rosemarket (his occupation being stated as 'Platelayer working on the railway').
The other testimonials have been left in for interest. Unfortunately, there is little trace of what became of Mr Phil Phillips.
Mr. Phillips only desires now to place on record those cases where the rapidity of cure resulting from the use of his rheumatic remedies is of such a nature as to cause surprise, and sometimes wonder, among those who have tried) them, and almost unbelief among those who have never observed the marvellous effects of these remedies on the human system.
Ordinary causes of ours are now being received by him in large numbers, and the result of his establishing agencies in all parts of the country has been, not only to make these remedies known everywhere, but to induce a much greater number of persons to try them, and in almost every town in Great Britain Phil Phillips's rheumatic appliances are well known, but the oures effected by them are the common subject of conversation.
Here is a letter just received by Mr. Phillips from Mr. Lloyd, Rosemarket, Neyland R.S.O. "May 18, 1896:—Dear Sir,- Having applied your wristlets now for three weeks, I can say I am as well as ever I was.
Before I had them I could hardly move. I could not sleep at night from the pain, but I am thankful to say I am, indeed, a lot better. I should have failed entirely in my work had it not been for them. I have sent your book to another cripple that he may see for himself the cures, your remedies have effected."
Another letter from the same county received on Monday morning, June 1. 1896; — "Glvn-y-mel, Fishguard'.—Dear Sir.—Please send me another pair of your socks. The pair you sent me for a lady have cured her entirely, though she had been suffering for years from rheumatic gout.- Yours truly, John Worthinaton."
A Mrs. Wilde, lady residing at 22, Kineraig Street, who had been bedridden for months—a terrible martyr from rheumatism—obtained from Mr. Phil Phillips a few days since a pair of his rheumatic socks, and on "Friday, when one of one of our representatives called at his house, he was informed by the son that she had gone to Ilfracomb tor the day. She was so much better she could walk without the aid of a stick to and from the omnibus which conveyed her to the Pier Head, and was in the enjoyment of fairly good health, while a .short time previously she was unable to leave her bed to which she had been confined for over six months.
These cures speak for themselves. Comment upon them is, not necessary.